Fair-X BannerExchange

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ABUSE and SPAM policy:


Our ZERO TOLERANCE spam policy:
The Fair-X BannerExchange have a ZERO TOLERANCE spam policy! If you receive a SPAM email promoting any webpage within the www.fair-x.com domain, please forward that message to this email address:


If possible, forward the message complete with all "headers" visible. (You can make headers visible from the "view", "show" or "options" meny in your email software.)

We take spam VERY seriously, and any member/reseller found guilty of spamming will immediately be banned from our services, and any credits earned, both cash reseller earnings and banner impressions, will be terminated.

SPAM is illegal in most countries and states. Fair-X BannerExchange will take any legal action needed against spammers to cover any loss, both economical and non-economical, we might suffer as a result of SPAM. Any legal fees occouring as a result of this process will be the spammers responsibility. Fair-X BannerExvhange will also cooperate with the proper authorities to ensure that SPAMMERS will be punished to the fullest extent of local and international laws.

Our NO-SPAM policy is fully supported by ClickBank, our CreditCard and Affiliate program management partner.


It is strictly forbidden to manupulate our system in order to genrate "fake" bannerimpressions. Any member trying to manipulate our system in any way will be banned from our services, and any credits earned, both cash reseller earnings and banner impressions, will be terminated.

We have an advanced tracking system, and any attempt of manipulation will be detected!

Our ABUSE/CHEATING policy is fully supported by ClickBank, our CreditCard and Affiliate program management partner.



(c) 2000 - 2005 Fair-X BannerExchange InnComm

This website is protected by International Copyright Laws and is timestamped by independant legal sources. Any copying of this website's design, consept or syntax will be followed up and sought punished to the fullest extent of local and international laws.